Announcement of Online Re-Election & EGM 2021
Dear APBA Members,
Following the last AGM on 12th December 2020, we have met with the webmaster to rectify the online election algorithm from the feedback of the members.
We will be implementing the Online Re-Election 2021 and Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) as scheduled below:
Schedule of Online Re-Election & EGM 2021
Target schedule of Activities & Action to be Taken | 2021 |
Mass Mailing Announcing the EGM & Online Re-Election | 29th January 2021 |
Nomination date for the following positions:
a) Vice President
b) Secretary
c) Treasurer
d) Auditor 1 (confirmation of selection during online EGM)
e) Auditor 2 (confirmation of selection during online EGM)
| 30th January – 14th February 2021 (16 days) |
Acceptance/ Declining of Nomination | 15th February – 23rd February 2021 (9 Days) |
Online Voting | 25th February – 17th March 2021 (3 weeks) |
Vote Counting with Honorary Auditors |
20th March 2021
(Saturday 4:00 pm)
Online Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
a) Confirmation of Election Result
b) Selection of Auditor 1 and Auditor 2
c) APBA EGM agenda will be announced later
27th March 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Important Notice:
Members must
renew their annual membership to be eligible to be nominated and to vote. Kindly log in to the APBA Website to make a payment of SGD30.00 (approx. USD22.00) to renew your annual membership.
Kindly login to the A-PBA website at: Login as A-PBA member (member icon at top righthand corner of A-PBA homepage) using your registered Email and password.
* If you have forgotten your password, please click on forgot password to reset your password. - Upon login, please click on Subscription to renew your membership (if you have not) in order to proceed with the online nomination/ voting.Click on member nomination/ voting tab
- Click on position you want to nominate/ vote
- Choose name from the dropdown list
- Click “confirm” button to submit.
Playing your part as A-PBA member
Thanks & Regards
A-PBA SecretariatShould you encounter any difficulty in renewing your membership, please contact us at : , and
lymooi9@gmail.comSecretariat Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association c/o Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, 1 Research Link National University of Singapore, Singapore 117604
Email: and /
Announcement of Online Re-Election & EGM 2021